Flippers: a compositional shoehorn.

Posted on January 14, 2014

This is a quick writeup about the haskell library Control.Flippers and how I find it useful.

The library was born of a real problem refactoring code; a quick search indicates I am not the first to come up with this solution, just the only one that has bothered to make a standalone library of it.

Convoluted theoretical examples aren’t my thing, so I’ll explain the actual problem from the top.


I’m writing FFI bindings to a C library to send statistics to an internal system. This library is called ‘libmarquise’ and it sends statistics to a system we have invented called ‘vaultaire’. The names make me cringe too, you’ll be okay.

I more or less have to cover five very similar but slightly different functions, they are:

sendText    :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64 
            -> B.ByteString -> Marquise ()
sendInt     :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64
            -> Int64 -> Marquise ()
sendReal    :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64
            -> Rational -> Marquise ()
sendCounter :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64
            -> Marquise ()
sendBinary  :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64
            -> B.ByteString -> Marquise ()

Iteration one:

The way I usually proceed from here is to simply implement one function the stupid way, and then try on a few different refactorings. This leads me to write:

sendText :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64
         -> B.ByteString -> Marquise ()
sendText tag_pairs timestamp text = do
    connection <- ask
    liftIO $ void $
        withCStringArray (map fst tag_pairs) $ \fields_ptr ->
        withCStringArray (map snd tag_pairs) $ \values_ptr ->
            B.useAsCStringLen text $ \(text_ptr, text_len) ->
                E.throwIfMinus1 "marquise_send_text" $
                    F.c_marquise_send_text connection
                                           (fromIntegral $ length tag_pairs)
                                           (fromIntegral text_len)
    withCStringArray :: [B.ByteString] -> (Ptr CString -> IO a) -> IO a
    withCStringArray bss f = do
        let continuations = map B.useAsCString bss in
            runCont (mapM cont continuations) $ \cstrings -> 
                SV.unsafeWith (SV.fromList cstrings) $ \ptr -> f ptr

 sendInt = undefined
 sendReal = undefined

Iteration two:

There are seven arguments to the FFI call to c_marquise_send_text. This makes me sad. I’m sure you can see the potential for code reuse here though.

Let’s make this a little nicer with a helper!

-- | Helper that builds a connection, cstring arrays and associated size,
-- then checks the continuation's result for negative one
withConnFieldsValuesLength :: String
                           -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]
                           -> (Ptr F.MarquiseConnection
                            -> Ptr CString
                            -> Ptr CString
                            -> CSize
                            -> IO CInt)
                           -> Marquise ()
withConnFieldsValuesLength c_function tag_pairs f = do
    connection <- ask
    liftIO $  void $ 
        withCStringArray (map fst tag_pairs) $ \fields_ptr ->
        withCStringArray (map snd tag_pairs) $ \values_ptr ->
            E.throwIfMinus1 c_function $ f connection
                                           (fromIntegral $ length tag_pairs)
    withCStringArray :: [B.ByteString] -> (Ptr CString -> IO a) -> IO a
    withCStringArray bss f' = do
            (runCont . mapM cont) (map B.useAsCString bss) $ \cstrings ->
                SV.unsafeWith (SV.fromList cstrings) f'

sendText :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64 -> B.ByteString -> Marquise ()
sendText tag_pairs timestamp text =
    withConnFieldsValuesLength "marquise_send_text" tag_pairs $ \c f v l -> 
            B.useAsCStringLen text $ \(text_ptr, text_len) ->
                    F.c_marquise_send_text c f v l
                                           (fromIntegral text_len)

Our withConnFieldsValueLenght does exactly what it’s name suggests, runs our code with a connection, tag fields, tag values and number of tags.

And so, sendInt and sendReal become very concise:

sendInt :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64 -> Int64 -> Marquise ()
sendInt tag_pairs timestamp int =
    withConnFieldsValuesLength "marquise_send_text" tag_pairs $ \c f v l -> 
                F.c_marquise_send_int c f v l int timestamp

sendReal :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64 -> Rational -> Marquise ()
sendReal tag_pairs timestamp r =
    withConnFieldsValuesLength "marquise_send_real" tag_pairs $ \c f v l -> 
                F.c_marquise_send_real c f v l (fromRational r) timestamp

Iteration three:

I hated passing c f v l around though, it really bothered me! If I could just partially apply the last to arguments to say, F.c_marquise_send_real, then I would be able to write that bit point free. What I really needed was a rotate6 function, then I’d be able to write:

sendInt :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64 -> Int64 -> Marquise ()
sendInt tag_pairs timestamp int =
    withConnFieldsValuesLength "marquise_send_int" tag_pairs $
        (rotate6 . rotate6) F.c_marquise_send_int int timestamp

sendReal :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64 -> Rational -> Marquise ()
sendReal tag_pairs timestamp r =
    withConnFieldsValuesLength "marquise_send_real" tag_pairs $
        (rotate6 . rotate6) F.c_marquise_send_real (fromRational r) timestamp

sendCounter :: [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> Word64 -> Marquise ()
sendCounter tag_pairs timestamp =
    withConnFieldsValuesLength "marquise_send_counter" tag_pairs $
        rotate5 F.c_marquise_send_counter timestamp

Yes, this is going to great lengths to remove a small bit of duplication, but I really do think that removing that clutter is worth it. Writing the definitions this way makes it much clearer what the difference between sendReal and sendInt. It’s important to remember that people can’t keep track that many things at once, it hurts their brains. Do you want to write code that hurts people? I suppose I do too sometimes. That’s besides the point.

Implementation of rotate6:

rotate6 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> f -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> g
rotate6 = flip . (rotate5 .)
    rotate5 = flip . (rotate4 .)
    rotate4 = flip . (rotate3 .)
    rotate3 = flip . (flip .)

Easy! You’ll note that we can compose these rotates to do whatever we like. For example:

-- | Reverse three arguments
flip3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (c -> b -> a -> d)
flip3 = rotate3 . rotate2

“Qui peut le plus peut le moins. (He who can do more can do less)”
— French proverb